As the month of March ends and winter is slowly winding down, rock climbing season is ramping up. It’s time to make sure that all of your climbing equipment is ready for the season. Check out all of your webbing, make sure your ropes are clean and inspect them for any frays, tears, or abrasions. Start tying knots again and make sure you can do them with your eyes closed! Go to the garage or closet and take out your anchor board and start building some anchors, then practice cleaning them with your harness on.
These types of activities will help build that muscle memory that you’ll need up on the crag. That way you don’t lose any time trying to remember how to tie a quad anchor while you’re hanging on the bolts and your belayers is looking at you wondering “what is taking so long up there?” . But most importantly- replace any gear that isn’t up to the safety specs for your equipment. If you look at your helmet and say, “well….it might make one more season….” then go ahead and replace it! There’s nothing more important than your safety up on the rock- and make sure you bring it!!!!
See you on the crag!